
In depth guide to everything on Panopedia

Choosing your Accent Colours

There are two basic accent colours that will be shown throughout your Showcase, although each and every individual element may be modified after.

To set your primary and secondary accent colours, log in and navigate to Showcase Options Colours, or

Do note that when you set the primary and secondary accent colours, all existing colour options will be reset to these.

These are the elements that will adopt the primary accent colour:

  1. Header Border Colour
  2. Header Menu Font Hover Colour
  3. Header Toolbar Background Colour
  4. General Hyperlinks Colour
  5. General Bold Text Colour
  6. H1 Font Colour
  7. H2 Font Colour
  8. H3 Font Colour
  9. H4 Font Colour
  10. H5 Font Colour
  11. H6 Font Colour
  12. General Button Background Colour
  13. Contact Section Text Column Label Colour
  14. Stats Icon Colour
  15. Listings Card Subtitle Font Colour
  16. Award Title Font Colour
  17. Hero Title Font Colour
  18. Hero Title Button Colour

These are the elements that will adopt the secondary accent colour:

  1. Header Menu Font Colour
  2. General Hyperlinks Hover Colour
  3. Secondary Title Font Colour
  4. Contact Section Text Column Background Colour
  5. Profile Section About Column Background Colour
  6. Stats Number Font Colour
  7. Stats Title Font Colour
  8. Listings Card Title Font Colour
  9. Feedback Section Background Colour
  10. Award Count Font Colour

The following elements will have a variation of the primary accent colour:

  1. General Button Hover Colour - darkened by approximately 5%
  2. General Button Focus Colour - darkened by approximately 10%
  3. Hero Title Button Hover Colour - darkened by approximately 5%
  4. Hero Title Button Focus Colour - darkened by approximately 10%